Tuesday, April 10, 2012

E. Cioran

En el pesimismo, el escepticismo, el nihilismo y en la filosofía del absurdo (sobre todo en ella) de Emil Cioran no está ausente el juego, el humor, si bien ácido y negro.

Aquí algunas citas para compartir hoy:

We derive our vitality from our store of madness.

No one recovers from the disease of being born, a deadly wound if there ever was one.

The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live - moreover, the only one.

A sudden silence in the middle of a conversation suddenly brings us back to essentials: it reveals how dearly we must pay for the invention of speech.

By all evidence we are in the world to do nothing.

Ennui is the echo in us of time tearing itself apart.

I'm simply an accident. Why take it all so seriously?

It is because we are all imposters that we endure each other.

It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late.

Life creates itself in delirium and is undone in ennui.

Life is merely a fracas on an unmapped terrain, and the universe a geometry stricken with epilepsy.

Life inspires more dread than death - it is life which is the great unknown.

Life is possible only by the deficiencies of our imagination and memory.

Nothing proves that we are more than nothing.

Since all life is futility, then the decision to exist must be the most irrational of all.

The desire to die was my one and only concern; to it I have sacrificed everything, even death.

The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live - moreover, the only one.

To exist is a habit I do not despair of acquiring.

To think is to take a cunning revenge in which we camouflage our baseness and conceal our lower instincts.

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